Over time, will groups which we consider attractive change? (read info)
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12-26-2011, 10:42 AM
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Oct 2005
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I think it's going to change . It will be :
-For women :
Most Attractive = Jessica Alba, Lucy Hall Rihanna, Megan Fox, Kardashians types, Basically southern european girls, latinas, oriental girls, mullata girls, ethiopian girls . Pred european features, dark blonde to black hair, green eyes . Thoses types :
Least Attractive = Extreme Pale skin or Extreme dark skin
For men :
Most Attractive = I think it would be very diverse . Tan Northern european .Blonde hair to black hair, light eyes to dark eyes . Also eurasian guys seems to be very popular . Same for blackmen and maghrebi. About the southern european as ideal, they aren't very popular here in northern france, so I don't think that will change .
Least Attractive = Asians, Australoid, extreme pale skin dude.
Even girls stop to dye their hair blonde, for color them brunette . I think blonde are seen as the most attractive in countries where they are rare (USA) . Here, they aren't rare, so they are just seen as average .
The most wanted girls here are that type :
For men it's that type :
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