Is Haiti really a Pure Black country with no admixture?
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06-29-2010, 02:45 PM
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Oct 2005
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The West Indies represent an amalgamation of African, European and in some cases, East Asian sources, but the contributions from each ethnic group remain relatively unexplored from a genetic perspective. In the present study, we report, for the first time, allelic frequency data across the complete set of 15 autosomal STR loci for general collections from Haiti and Jamaica, which were subsequently used to examine the genetic diversity present in each island population. Our results indicate that although both Haiti and Jamaica display genetic affinities with the continental African collections, a stronger African signal is detected in Haiti than in Jamaica. Although only minimal contributions from non-African sources were observed in Haiti, Jamaica displays genetic input from both European and East Asian sources, an admixture profile similar to other New World collections of African descent analyzed in this report. The divergent genetic signatures present in these populations allude to the different migratory events of Africans, Europeans, and East Asians into the New World. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
a stronger African signal is detected in Haiti than in Jamaica. Although only minimal contributions from non-African sources were observed in Haiti, Jamaica displays genetic input from both European and East Asian sources, an admixture profile similar to other New World collections of African descent analyzed in this report.
Average admixture proportions for Haiti are estimated to be: 95.5% African; 0.3% East Asian; 4.3% European. For Jamaica: 78.3%; 5.7%; 16.0%.
I'm not sure which study that is from, but windie entered this in the
African descents in the Americas thread
. I think she forgot to include the link to the study, but it's consistent with what you'd think, at least based on pics.
Also consistent with 23andme's advanced similarity plots; not statistically a great indication, but my only Haitian sharer is the closest to the African cluster out of all of my non- directly West African sharers.
I've only met two (known) Haitians irl however, one of which was yellow-skinned and perhaps somewhat Europoid features but clearly on the "African side" (probably roughly like my own admixture/ancestral components), and the other which could very well be straight from West Africa.
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