Is Haiti really a Pure Black country with no admixture?
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11-28-2010, 02:34 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
How can speaking the truth be considered immoral?
Zabrina all i got to say is:
People like you love to judge and criticize
Spewing out trash while your own shit multiplies
Its fine to speak the truth in order to see and learn
But acting superior just leads you to crash and burn
Setting yourself up like a target ready to be shot into
By people who've got plenty of shit to say about you too
You say you can handle it and your fine under fire
But then you end up losing, now who's the liar?
And about stealing pics, no one wants yours, fool
Your just a guy in black glasses trying to look "cool"
So dont expect a felony and a trip to Judge Judy
Where you'd end up a loser crying and all moody
So much for your superior stance, In Zabersus we Trust
Your religion ended up like all others, a huge bust
Speaking of trust, you act like your the Federal Reserve Bank
You'd be left with no money ending up walking off the plank
Drowning in your own bullshit that you created
Becoming everything that you ever said you hated
Nothing left to keep you from going under and staying afloat
Because all the bullets came right back and put holes in your boat
Just like everyone thought the Titanic couldnt sink
Your not as invincible as you may think
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