Don’t be close to bananas: Islamic cleric to women
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12-09-2011, 03:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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Cyber space is abuzz with jokes on an Islamic cleric in Europe who recently asked for a ban on women consuming, or even touching fruits and vegetables which are phallic shaped. A website, el-Senousa news, on Wednesday reported that a cleric in Europe said that women should stay away from bananas or cucumbers in order to avoid “sexual thoughts”.
According to him, these “resemble the male penis” and could arouse women or “make them think of sex.” He added carrots and zucchini to the list of forbidden foods.
The statement has now gone viral, with the unnamed cleric becoming a butt of jokes. On Twitter, topics such as ‘cleric’ and ‘banana’ have been trending since Wednesday night.
“So what the cleric is saying is that it’s OK to fondle nuts but not touch the banana? Really?” tweeted VJ Nikhil Chinapa. “What about hairbrush with round, smooth, long handle? Perfect grip and unbreakable. Take that Carrot,” tweeted ResurgentIndian.
“How bad must Radish be feeling now? Sari limelight cucumber aur banana le gaye,” posted AM_10. “Potatoes to rescue. Err that’s not for men,” tweeted Anushree. Incidentally, the cleric does have a solution for women who may want to eat these fruits. “A third party, preferably a male related to them, their father or a husband, should cut the items into small pieces and serve,” he allows.
Now, take this!!
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In April last year, a cleric in Iran said women, who do not dress modestly, spread adultery in society which causes earthquakes!
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The (who?)man behind this epic trolling deserves his own meme, because every source, like the well credible Fox News, just talks of an unknown cleric in an-even-more-unknown European country who issued the 'fatwa' (even if, technically, you can't issue fatwas if you're a theological no-being), so we don't really know if the fatwa, the man or even the European country exist, to begin with.
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