Who were the Moors in Spain? I'm confused about this.
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11-16-2011, 09:42 PM
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Oct 2005
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Most moors were natives that converted to Islam to avoid paying the taxes that the islamic rulers required the christians to pay. Many islamic rulers were in fact visigoths converted to islam that changed their names to arabic.
For example: Abû l-Walîd Hishâm ibn al-Hakam was a redhead. His mother was a visigothic Spaniard.
There are also some califas that in fact were pure visigothic converted to islam, and changed their name and surname to arabic.
We don´t have to invent theories, we just have to see drawings of that era. This one was painted in the Alhambra. It represents muslims kings of Granada:
The muslims entered Spain as a result of a betrayal among visigothic rulers.
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