Yeah, by providing needed services to poor Blacks. Economics The Game no like. ---------- Post added 2011-11-12 at 11:15 ---------- Babies? France? I don't like the sound of this. Me thinks Charlie is married to a cracka woman. Say it ain't so, Charlie. Say it ain't so.... You've been married for a year or so. How could you have babies (plural). A good Christian man like you understands it's wrong to have children out of wedlock. What would the preacher say?
British people have bad habits when it comes to food and lack of regular exercise, Scandinavians on the other hand are some of the fittest in europe, with healthy diets and regular exercise so up yours Game theory.
That's not what I meant by "mixed bag". What causes you to be so racially sensitive? In that context I was clearly talking about social status. I meant that America was a mixed bag and there are both honest, hard working people and low class, scummy people so the statement that "Americans are superior" doesn't make much sense. Since Americans are so diverse how is a poor guy living in Compton "superior" to a businessman in Paris? That was my point to Game Theory.