What would be the reaction of your friends and family if you dated interracially?
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09-13-2011, 11:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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I would get shit from friends for it, quite a few of my extended social network are EDL or BNP/National Front supporters or members so I don't think I would be able to maintain friendships with them concurrent with having a non-White girlfriend.
My grandparents would not be happy if I brought a darkie or a non-Christian over for dinner.
My mom would secretly dislike it I think, but she wouldn't voice any concerns for fear of upsetting me/the girl.
My dad would probably think it wasn't a good idea but I doubt he would be apoplectic or anything. Just to test his reaction I once said to my dad, "I've got a girlfriend now, she's Black" and he just looked at me and said something like, "Better than not having one at all I suppose".
I wouldn't date outside of Whites anyway.
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