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Old 09-13-2011, 04:16 AM   #21

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Oct 2005
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I like how the South Africans who have moved here still wave the old flag at rugby games, were I them I'd never show any reverence to the new flag, it is a disgusting creation of the ANC and their cohorts.

If I had been alive when Apartheid were still going I would have moved to RSA, just to remove myself from the insantiy of racial politics in Europe. That is not to say Apartheid, or separate development as it was after 1957, was perfect, because of course it wasn't, no system is.

As for Die Stem being banned, oh well, as far as I'm concerned it is a creation of the Cape Dutch elites who oppressed the Boers; I'd prefer to listen to De la rey by Bok Van Blerk. What is forgotten about Apartheid is that not only did it marginalise Black tribal groups, it also marginalised White ones. They created very broad racial categories (i.e. European, Coloured, Indian and Bantu) which meant that previously separate groups, Boers/Afrikaners/English/other Whites, were lumped together and coerced through propaganda into advancing the ideals of the Afrikaner supremacist National Party.

Sorry folks, this is one of my soap box issues.
Many of the Boers (the real Boers like from Transvaal etc) still sing Die Stem and wave the old S.African flag, many benefited from Apartheid, even the English whites. If they were so oppressed by the 'Cape Dutch' then they wouldn't sing Die Stem and still keep the old South African flag.
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