Even though they serve American style coffee as "cafe Americano", Mexicans usually resist referring to citizens of the U.S. as "Americanos". The usual reason given is that it is presumptuous for Americans to call themselves American because Mexicans are also geographically American. So they use the much more awkward "Estadounidense", which comes from the Spanish translation for the U.S.A.: "Estados Unidos de America". There is one small problem with this. Mexico itself is legally known as "Estados Unidos Mexicanos". So for the sake of consistency, shouldn't Mexicans also be known as estounidenses? Of course that would be confusing, so they simply refer to themselves as Mexicano. However if a citizen of E.E.U.U. Mexicanos can be called a Mexican without anyone quibbling, why can't a citizen of E.E.U.U. de America expect to be called Americano?