In which countries is it acceptable for men to cry?
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08-23-2011, 06:54 AM
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Oct 2005
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In Finland crying is sort a of a taboo for men, and it's seen as something that only women are supposed to do, even if someone close to you dies away, you as a man, are not supposed to show too much emotions, because it's seen as effeminate, fake and overly-emotional.
I guess it's the same in Nigeria, cause when i was a kid, my dad would rough me up or beat me up if I started to cry. He'd beat me up until I could not cry anymore. He said to me that only pussies cry, and as a man I must never cry, you gotta endure it all like a true man would, no matter how much you hurt. As a result, I almost never cry anymore, I couldn't even cry when my good friend got stabbed to death. :/
So yeah, I'd say there definitely is a some sort of a cultural stigma in men's crying. :/
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