Which Race is less Tolerant of Others
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07-24-2011, 07:29 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I'd say the most-tolerant race are those inhabiting the US today; we are one of very few societies & cultures in world history that can accept all nationalities, races, ethnicities, creeds, religions, etc.
Which other societies can compare to US? I cannot think of any. Xenophobia and Racism are much more critical, dangerous, and blatant in any other place & society. Few world societies are accepting toward immigrants picked-off as "racial outsiders". Even fewer would allow such immigrants economic 'Opportunities'.
China, for example, may allow a lot of immigrants, but would any non-Chinese, non-Asian citizen ever become a First Class Citizen? Probably not… in the US, everybody potentially can become a First Class Citizen, based-upon loyalty to the US Constitution, philosophy, and founding ideology.
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