Which Race is less Tolerant of Others
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08-24-2011, 02:22 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
Whites, nuff said.
LOL, Its darker people, specially south east asians, some arabs, south asians and latin americas (mixed ones) who usually feel themselvers lower than europeans.
Some people , specially those growing up in colonial societies usually link being white with goodlooking, wealth and richness, therefore they'd do anything to be included with the white label.
All the most diverse societies in the world have a white base, If whites/caucasians would be the most racist that'd be highly unlikely to happen. The non-euro diasporas in those cities are able to climb up easily the social ladder if they got good working skills and there is granted access to education for everybody else.
Take the case of gulf arabs, In dubai 99.99% of south asians do cheap labor and are treated in subhuman conditions, yet the city grows at incredible rapid scale and there are enough resources to improve those newcomers lifestyle.
Now who is more racist?
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