A while ago there was a discussion on here that sort of pertained to Feminism, and someone told me it would be a good idea to make a thread about it, and I thought it was a good idea. I want to make it long enough and get a good discussion going, please read everything...it took a long time. I was brought up in a small town in the American New England area. As a kid, boys would hurl dead spiders in my hair and say I had "cooties". They would be the loudest during class and misbehave often. Me and my girls would pick on boys and make fun of them to get attention. We would watch them play in the dirt or get in fights with each other. I was a girl, and they were boys, it was normal to have conflicts like that right? It was normal for us to act different, even at that age and us not having the self-awareness or maturity to make choices and think about our surroundings as we do now, we were able to differentiate between male/female roles. Even if it was partly due to cultural norms for girls to help their mom cook dinner or clean the house and boys to go out with their dad to work. Seems right to pretty much all of us, huh?
Females aren't as naturally adept at building or working in the field as Males.
Most guys probably don't have the patience to stay home for long periods of time taking care of kids (taking them to and from school, helping them with their homework, watching them, etc), cleaning the house and cooking dinner.
In this modern age, more and more families have both spouses working full-time shifts. I think that's great, both men and women should work and help support a family.
The beauty of it is that they could make their hours flexible.
If they had kids that needed to be taken care of, the woman could work more in the morning before the kids came home from school, and less hours than the man to make up for the housework she would have to do. That would be a perfect world, in my opinion. NO NEED for this ultra-feminist bullshit.
I realize that feminism is in part responsible for women being able to work so freely today, and that's great.
Many other rights that were handed to us, like the right to vote (even though I don't really care about politics) were awesome. How can I be against that?
Women should be able to go to the same bars as men, hang out with whoever we want in public and have a good time. That's all great. Here's where it gets edgy... Feminists and Feminism today has many double-standards. I once heard the term "feminazi", and I think that would be a better word to describe most of today's feminists. We have the same rights as human beings as men do, plus a few "special rights", what more do we need?
The problem is, feminists don't just want equality. They want superiority, and to do away with "gender roles". That would really harm society even more.
Feminists believe that even though nature/god made men and women different, it shouldn't effect our roles in society in anyway...that we shouldn't be "limited" by our biology. Yeah right. For example, look at the world's top sports leagues. Would women be able to compete in the NHL or other male sports leagues? Hell no. Do you think the average woman would make as good a CEO as the average man? Don't think so. Men and Women are inherently different.
Look at politics, even though there are quite a few good female politicians, the ones that are well-known and open for criticism make us look so bad. Sarah Palin is seen mostly as a sex object, as the mascot of the Republican party. Hillary Clinton is seen as a "mad dyke", an unattractive, grumpy lady. People will always judge females more by their personalities and looks than the views they hold or serious political causes they may try to further. Obama isn't usually ridiculed for his personality or body shape, it's his politics and views that people attack. It's like a woman saying she wants to join her local boxing club or something. I think people just simply have natural biological reactions to people of the two sexes doing different things. I would say Men actually respect and admire feminine women who accept themselves, as opposed to how they view women who try to be men as laughing stalks.
Modern feminism in Western countries is unnecessary guys. Feminists often bring up the fact that women have been oppressed throughout history, that's true. But, what should we do now? Take revenge?
Why should today's men be punished for what happened years ago, aren't we just being so utterly hypocritical and taking the sad "haha, we're on top now, it's our turn to oppress you!" stance? If anything, feminists should stop wasting their time and turn their focus to places that really don't have strong woman's rights. There's their chance to prove they they are simply after women's welfare, not to gain an unfair advantage over men. Sure, guys are bigger and stronger, more "creative" than women in some ways. But, we live longer. We usually don't need to fight in wars.
Of course there are some seriously wicked crazy things that nature bestowed upon us females. Having periods (I made a post about this before, sorry I was just venting frustration due to an incident), having to give birth and being weaker which would make it easier for someone to take advantage of them. But we also have a bunch of advantages that show over time. We live longer, have less physical diseases over our lifetime and are less prone to mental illnesses. Another problem with feminism is that they want us to act more like guys. They think that it'll be a perfect world once women start making the same amount of money as men. I don't think that's true. As feminism got stronger, society became weaker and less father-oriented. Why do think we see so many single mothers nowadays? What about the increase in overly-slutty or promiscuous behavior? Girls hooking up with guys without even knowing their name, giving themselves to anyone, trying to do it without remorse, as an average guy would. Girls in flip-flops falling all over people in public like whores. Taking trashy facebook pictures in front of the mirror and in their underwear.
Men do have more power, influence, glory, etc than us. But why do men try so hard to get stuff like that? Why don't you see women lining up to become the next great hero?
LET'S USE SOME COMMON SENSE! Men want these things not only for their personal satisfaction or to show off to their friends, they WANT TO IMPRESS WOMEN! That's one of the reasons why you desperately want to have power. Women don't really need these things, in the end. What do we control? You.
I guess that's all for now. Let me know what you think about this.