Feminists and Feminism today has many double-standards. I once heard the term "feminazi", and I think that would be a better word to describe most of today's feminists. We have the same rights as human beings as men do, plus a few "special rights", what more do we need? The problem is, feminists don't just want equality. They want superiority, and to do away with "gender roles". That would really harm society even more. Feminists believe that even though nature/god made men and women different, it shouldn't effect our roles in society in anyway...that we shouldn't be "limited" by our biology. Yeah right. For example, look at the world's top sports leagues. Would women be able to compete in the NHL or other male sports leagues? Hell no. Do you think the average woman would make as good a CEO as the average man? Don't think so. Men and Women are inherently different.