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Old 01-02-2011, 08:40 AM   #8

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Feminists and Feminism today has many double-standards. I once heard the term "feminazi", and I think that would be a better word to describe most of today's feminists. We have the same rights as human beings as men do, plus a few "special rights", what more do we need? The problem is, feminists don't just want equality. They want superiority, and to do away with "gender roles". That would really harm society even more.

Feminists believe that even though nature/god made men and women different, it shouldn't effect our roles in society in anyway...that we shouldn't be "limited" by our biology. Yeah right. For example, look at the world's top sports leagues. Would women be able to compete in the NHL or other male sports leagues? Hell no. Do you think the average woman would make as good a CEO as the average man? Don't think so. Men and Women are inherently different.
First of all, feminism isn't monolithic. I identify as a feminist and I acknowledge that men and women have biological differences. I think most people, feminist or not, understand that men and women or different. The uniting concept of feminism is that women are human beings with the same societal rights as men and that different or not, they don't deserve to be discriminated against because of any real or perceived difference that doesn't impede their ability to function in society.

Actually one of the reasons I personally identify as a feminist is because I think femininity and traditional female roles are often denigrated and considered lesser, even people who want to preserve those traditional roles. Many men who are anti-feminist actually don't respect women at all and don't value the contributions women make to society on any level, they simply want to uphold their own male dominance.

Look at politics, even though there are quite a few good female politicians, the ones that are well-known and open for criticism make us look so bad. Sarah Palin is seen mostly as a sex object, as the mascot of the Republican party. Hillary Clinton is seen as a "mad dyke", an unattractive, grumpy lady. People will always judge females more by their personalities and looks than the views they hold or serious political causes they may try to further. Obama isn't usually ridiculed for his personality or body shape, it's his politics and views that people attack. It's like a woman saying she wants to join her local boxing club or something. I think people just simply have natural biological reactions to people of the two sexes doing different things. I would say Men actually respect and admire feminine women who accept themselves, as opposed to how they view women who try to be men as laughing stalks. Not all women with strong and powerful personalities in positions of leadership are trying to be men. Although there may be some easily identifiable, broad differences between men and women, women are still individuals, just like men. Not all men are capable of being in positions of leadership. Some women are. In fact, select women have held different positions of power within their communities since long before the concept of feminism ever existed.

Modern feminism in Western countries is unnecessary guys. Feminists often bring up the fact that women have been oppressed throughout history, that's true. But, what should we do now? Take revenge? Why should today's men be punished for what happened years ago, aren't we just being so utterly hypocritical and taking the sad "haha, we're on top now, it's our turn to oppress you!" stance? If anything, feminists should stop wasting their time and turn their focus to places that really don't have strong woman's rights. There's their chance to prove they they are simply after women's welfare, not to gain an unfair advantage over men. How are men being oppressed? I haven't noticed any particularly strong "male oppression" movements in my country. I do agree that, for instance, boys are being left behind in schools due to our school systems adapting to female learning styles, but I don't think there's some conspiracy going on.

Another problem with feminism is that they want us to act more like guys. They think that it'll be a perfect world once women start making the same amount of money as men. I don't think that's true. As feminism got stronger, society became weaker and less father-oriented. Why do think we see so many single mothers nowadays? What about the increase in overly-slutty or promiscuous behavior? Girls hooking up with guys without even knowing their name, giving themselves to anyone, trying to do it without remorse, as an average guy would. Girls in flip-flops falling all over people in public like whores. Taking trashy facebook pictures in front of the mirror and in their underwear. There are plenty of feminists out there who agree with you about "third wave" and/or "sex positive" feminism encouraging promiscuity at a great price (check out Ariel Levy's book 'Female Chauvinist Pigs'). I don't agree that it's explicitly feminism that's to blame, it's a complex issue.

Oh, and as someone actually raised by a single-mother, I place the blame on my deadbeat daddy for his lack of involvement in my life, not "feminism". There's something called personal responsibility that feminists and anti-feminists alike seem to neglect acknowledging these days.
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