nationalism, romanticism and racism?
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08-11-2011, 03:47 AM
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Oct 2005
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LOL how exactly is patriotism a positive ideology ? :
I chose patriotism over nationalism in this very context.
Obviously, it varies, in Belgium or Switzerland they have different languages, in Brasil different races etc, and like it has been mentioned, idea of nationalism depends of the very nation, however as I can see, it has rather tendency inwards than outwards, which means people (nationalist) tend to identify usually with a smaller than larger group. In Belgium you have ongoing tension between Wallons and Flamands, in UK all: English, Scotts, Welsh and Irish always stress their nations and laugh off concept of british nation, Ireland itself is another thing (northern ireland), Basques in Spain (and catalonians to lesser extend), collapse of Yugoslavia (very failed attempt to create an artificial nation), separation of Czech and Slovakia, collapse of Soviet Union, ethnical tensions on edge Hungary/Slovakia/Romania, there are a few examples of how nationalists perceive nation.
Obviously, you have nations like Amerika, turkey, or even France or Germany, who are not ethnically homogenous, but it is or a/very ancient mix or/ quite artifical , like in Amerika and Brasil so many people still have 'national' identoty, like Irish american or polish american etc.
---------- Post added 2011-08-10 at 20:55 ----------
anyway, the subject was: examples on non-excluding nationalism, not based on romanticised myth?
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