I doubt you've ever been to Africa, or Are African. Now Im going to enlighten you a bit. ALL the Africans in those pictures are 100% African, and not mixed. Please educate yourself before you speak. Ethiopia Nigeria (Igbo) Nigeria (Hausa), Nigeria (Fulani) are all the ethnic groups used ALL full blooded Common AFRICANS. You have got to be kidding me ---------- Post added 2011-08-09 at 23:41 ---------- Are you not listening? Someone from that part of the world even just confirmed what ive been saying. I'm sorry you feel that way, but they have already been defined as black like African American have been. Light skinned Melanesians who are descendants of Black Melanesians are also often enough Referred to as black, or mixed, same as the U.S. So you can't agree that Melanesians are black (even though they are), but you Can agree that African Americans are black, why? What? Define what black is as a racial term please, What is it? A little history, India was colonized by the British. They were divided and put into race categories based on their appearance (sound familiar?) Dark skinned Indians WERE classified as black. If India had never gained independence, guess what? They would have been a part of the socially designated "black" peoples on earth. Are you serious? You would call a Somali black and Will Smith black. Do these two have very much in common culturally? Do you think all black people have the same culture, or history? s Locally? Lol, Where were African-Americans defined as black, in Asia? Lol, they were defined as such Locally, by Europeans and the ideology of that definition spread. Melanesians, even outside of Melanesia will be socially seen/classified as "black." Tanned white people will not Globally be perceived that way.