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Old 08-11-2011, 11:24 AM   #24

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Oct 2005
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more bullshit and denial from you, get over it youre wrong about every point here.
R1b in africans IS evidence of admixture, thats fact wheter you like it or not, because it has a very recent appearance in africa compared to europe and is downstreams derived.
It has very recent appearance in Africa? Buddy R1b has its origins around 20,000 years ago in Western Asia and the next defined mutation of it is in Africa. The gene prospered in Chadic speaking populations and in Western Europe, but is extremely low nearly everywhere else. Even If your baseless, claim was true, are you saying that there was a big genetic contribution from Europeans specifically into "Chadic" people?
R1b in Chadic people and Western Europeans isn't even the same subclade. To put it simply, there were two groups that successfully passed on this gene one being Chadic people and Western Europeans.

and its not just about phenotype, but also the fact that the "africans" that have features that resemble euroasians do in fact cluster closer to those euroasians compared to pure negroids. so dont give me the natural diversity excuse, its false. Pure Negroids? Really? Meanwhile in 2011....... Did you say Hausas haves features that resemble Eurasians? Natural diveristy is an excuse? Ever head or sexual/natural Selection, you know a big reason why we look the way we do?.



The resemblance is.........quite human

And Yes Djimon Honsou and wesley snipes and Alek Wek do represent what majority of "non-mixed" black africans look like, north africans originally came from euroasia and east africans have admixture from euroasians/caucasoids (yes caucasoid is a legit term that is still used and accepted) so they dont represent what the pure africans look like .
Caucasoid is NOT legit. Anthropology professors and Scholars AVOID IT, because in 2011 we study humans by Population/Genetics/Culture. You want to hold on to a stereotype so baldy because thats all you know. It's.....sad. A continent that people have beeen living on before anyone set foot in Europe needs admixture for diversity?

and yes the fulani most likely have an early origin in northeast africa, so they are without a doubt mixed as well. PLease provide sources. Their lanuage is a Niger-Congo language, their Genetic profile matches that of the people around them WEST AFRICAN/SAHELIANS.
Simple Source

"While their origins is a subject to many theses, the Fulani Historian Aboubacry Moussa Lam, of the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, one of the leading Egyptologist in Africa, favored the Nile theses. In his well documented book De L`Origine Egyptienne des Peuls, Professor Lam developed a theory supporting a migration from East to West (Egypt, Ethiopia, along the Sahara), and then a second migration to the opposite direction (Eastward)" The Origins of the Fulani Are highly debated and all results Point to a western African Origin, Linguistically/Culturally. Anta Diop Egypt theory is unproven is not a standard it is just his "theory". I am not against An east to west thesis though For SOME of the Origins of FEW of their ancestors as GENETICS has proven. Their Y and Mtdna, Has near 100% West African markers. I'm to attribute All the physical diversity to about 10% Eurasian genes? not their 90% West African Genes, or their West African Language, or sexual selection, which is even culturally observable? To top it al off their 10% Eurasian Admixture is likely passed through other Sahelians/West Africans. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT THEY ARE FROM ANY WHERE ELSE.
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