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Old 07-05-2011, 05:01 AM   #32

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yeah its lame, why shouldnt you ask about heritage, I mean I know people can get offended, but why should they (in ideal world), its heritage, most people who ask (like I did in all cases or you with the girl) is driven by curiosity or interest, not to prove or laugh off anything, sad.

---------- Post added 2011-07-04 at 19:49 ----------

If its the cast system it may be the case too, as question about blood might be read as suggestion of low social status, but why they think that I have any idea of social classes in Latin America, its a habit probably.
In general terms talking about ancestry is a taboo in many Latin american countries.

Unless you're dealing with educated people aware of their ancestry, most latamas dont even know exactly about their heritage and many dont care.

Mexico is a very complex nation talking about racial heritage-among many other things actually- Theres is a doble moral a double thinking about heritage that I'll try to explain you.

It is very well seen and socially accepted that one as a mexican boasts about being an amerindian of being admixed and fancies at least as a mestizo... that's the most politically corrent posture in general terms, remember our friend Rutdg87 ... "we chicanos are aztec race, we have brown pride... we are proud of the race" and shit like that...... In Mexico it happens more or less the same but there's still a rejection of the middle and high classes to the most amerindian looking people who are frequently refered as¨Pinches indios",-fucking indians. So here we can have the light skinned light eyed mexican who fancies himself as an aztec descendant but when ocassion shows up throws deroganting names to the most amerindian looking ones as: "Pinches nacos", "Pinches indios" "pinches apaches", "pinches prietos" Fuking indios, fucking lowlifes, fuking panchitos, "fuking darkies"etc.....

Mexican society is really hard to understand no even me being mexican understand our society way of thinking perfectly well.

---------- Post added 2011-07-04 at 16:18 ----------

Mexican education has been aimed to teach every mexican from the elementary school that us, mexicans were invaded for the spaniards and brutally conquered and our precious native culture was destroyed for the iberans, believe it or not that's the way they teach the history subject to kids in school.

I have a 6 y.o. kid and the other day he told me with a serious and sort of surprised/sad expression on his face: Dad, at school they say we were invaded and conquered by the spaniards!!!....

I explained it to him in better terms:

"Listent to this son: We werent conquered because we didnt exist at that time, mexico wasnt the nation that it is today at that time. Half of the current mexican territory was ruled by a native nation known as the Mexica or aztecs, then people from the spanish empire came in their ships and met the Aztec empire. there was a war between those two empires and the spaniards and their native allies defeated the Aztecs and thats it but that has nothing to do with you or me cause we are not aztecs.

I didnt want to go beyond in explanations for he¡s a 6 y.o boy however it seemed that story was better for his feelings tho.

They -the government- dont realize that if they continue teaching history in such a way they are only getting people more confused, they create an inferority complex in mexicans and a hate to europe-spaniards- thats why you can find a lot of mexicans who hate spaniards without mattering many of those spaniardhaters hare in fact spaniards descendants themselves......
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