Notable ethnic & minority groups where you live?
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03-13-2011, 06:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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Copenhagen is around 22% non-Danish, which I suppose are the minorities here.
There isn't one single dominant group, instead a lot of small immigrant groups. The majority of immigrants are non-western, around 3/4.
Turkish (who might be Kurds, they’re called Turkish if they’re from Turkey), various Arabs (many are Palestinians, and the group includes North Africans), Iranians ( who might be Kurds too), Pakistanis, Bosnians and Serbs, Somali, Greenlanders, Icelanders, Faeroese, Filipino (not sure how many, and some of them are only here temporarily), Thai, Swedes & Norwegians and I guess the Dutch farmers on the island of Amager could be included, but they're largely assimilated. There are also some Africans and other groups, but they're relatively few.
The most notable are Turkish/Arab/Pakistani, who are considered pretty much the same by us (Aka ME, Muslims) and they are the ones who have media prominence, the other groups are rarely mentioned at all. It also depend on the specific area.
There is a tendency of ME people to settle in the same areas, so no matter which kind of ME you are, you associate with other people from all over the Middle East and related countries. I think there’s a ME subculture emerging which is nondescript ME, who use a sort of pidgin Danish that includes a lot of mainly Arab words. In fact, by the main population they’re regarded as the same thing, and as such, they’re the most notable minority group, a non-specific ME.
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