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Old 07-15-2011, 12:43 PM   #37

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My mother, both my grandmothers and most of my aunts are lightskinned, there exists no tension or anything of the sort, musing of skin tone rarely come up unless someone is being described or if "true" lineages are being disputed . Also prohibitions of marriage based on skin tone are unheard of and a ludicrous thing to think of . I can only see crazy people ascribing to such a concept among my people. The only time there is true "tension" is when the media is involved. You will however see people with preferences for certain skin tones when it comes to mating though, but even then its not that big of a deal.
I have to agree here, this issue isn't as big as people make it out to be. Yeah sure, there are some ignorant mofos out there that act that way, but seriously, the whole skin color issue is largely mute, there is a much greater awareness today that wasn't present in the old, old days. The media are the ones who make skin color a big deal and seems to want to keep the whole dark vs light skin thing going.

---------- Post added 2011-07-14 at 22:53 ----------

Right, ironically blacks are the biggest pushers of the one drop rule today and they follow it even more than the bible itself. (despite the odr having no validity whatsoever)
Ironically you are wrong, i hate explaining this one drop crap but I will do it again, the ODR was created to keep "white looking people" of African ancestry from passing as white, that is, people like Walter White, from passing as white and enjoying the same benefits and rights as whites. If you looked to have any visible African ancestry you were black, period. When all those different mixes of people mate with one another you see different gradations of looks in Aframs, its not unusual to have two siblings from the same family look completely different in facial features and skin tones, some can even look to be so called "mulatto," so when the typical Afram sees a "mulatto" who looks to have visible African ancestry of course we're going to say that person is black, that's not forcing any one drop rule, plus most mulattoes self identify as black, so stop it with the exaggerations.

---------- Post added 2011-07-14 at 22:58 ----------

Do you feel that this is OK? What's your opinion on blacks that force this label upon mixed race individuals who we all know many times are not accepted by either blacks or whites. What's wrong with just saying your mixed race and not mentioning your part black/part white/part indian etc?

I suppose it just doesn't sit well with me. People should identify with what they feel comfortable with. It isn't always about distancing oneself from the black community. Many times mixed race individuals truly feel in-between. When this is the case, they should not be pressured to pick a side. They are what they are. This is why Tiger Woods went out of his way to create his own race, cablanasian (or whatever)

Phenotype will determine this anyway. If someone looks majority black then if they claim to be mixed, they will look foolish.
What's black in America was something that whites forced upon people of color, mostly through discrimination and it became what it is today, nobody is forced to be anything, those of mixed race who don't identify as black aren't regarded as black by the black community, its an exaggeration that Aframs are forcing labels onto people when we are not. The biggest forcer of labels is the US government, all Middle Easterners and North Africans, regardless of what they look like are forced to be white, the same with Latinos when the DOJ do their crime stats.
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