Or predominantly Whites who have SSA admixture unless it's fuckin obvious and most of the time they have to be a 50/50 Mulatto. I've noticed a lot of Whites can detect Euro admixture in Blacks, but seem to mistaken Whites who have SSA admixture for being exotic Euro or Southern European and their exotic looks are justified and there is always a huge debate, but yet there seems to be no issue immediately saying a pred Black individual has White admixture...even if they look fully African. And Blacks who do see Black admixture in pred Euro individuals are made out to be crazy or dumb. I've met some whites who thought Paula Patton was Italian or they just think she's a tanned fully White woman. And idk I was like they really can't tell she's Mulatta? That's just to use an example. I'm not saying all Whites can't tell, but in my daily life I see stuff like this. And I have had friends who were really light Mulattoes and Blacks could still tell they were Mulattoes, but a lot of the Whites thought they were White. Paula Patton:http://www.daemonstv.com/wp-content/...ula-patton.jpg I don't see how people would think she's 100 percent Euro...