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Old 07-12-2011, 02:51 AM   #34

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I dont think the Goverment should involve in the personal lives of the people or the morality.
so you think people should be able to have sex with dogs in public, pedophiles happyly selling video of abused little girls from thailand in shops or people masturbating in public?

all these would be "personal lives" but these are against the "average morality" of our sociaties as well as the average perception of what one can and cannot do outside his house.

the goverment should secure that average morality, and that is not facistic at all as long as it really functions in a correct way.
as long as the power of a goverment comes from the people the morality of the goverment will reflect the morality of the people thus the limitation will be automaticaly accepted by the people.
ofc not all goverments truly reflect the poppulations they govern, for example the mullahs in iran do not reflect most of the persians or their "average morality", but while they do hung people in the street that is just a minor problem infront of the actual problem which is lack of democracy.

and as an individual i am happy if the goverment does what it should do, as long as it does it correctly. if they start doing it in a wrong way i will be against the goverment.
but under no circumstance i would like to have other individuals doing things i concider as pervercies in public, if they wish to engage in activities that aren't accepted by most people they can do so inside their houses as i would if i would be in their possition.

now about the actual "polygamy" i have expirienced it personaly, not in a form of marriage but as having multiple relationships at the same time, while i do understand that under different social conditions it could work, i doubt that under the currect structures it would, as for the whole concept of solving problems i dissagree, polygamy is something different with similar or different problems to monogamy.
but it does have problems and that is as with everything else the difference between the theory and the practice.
the same sex drive that made "sex with new girls" look really nice in my head was there with 1 girl as well as with 2 girls, and i don't doubt that it would be there with 3 or 4.
i could infact give out examples for all the reasons why people cheat and show you that polygamy wouldn't change anything at all, but i think it would not be beneficial.

as for marriage, it fails because people are lieing to themselves, if people had the maturity required and the honnesty all marriages would be good.

and a nice fruitfull question for thought, lets say we have a person who is an alpha male, meaning an extremly strong person, a person who can affect and alter the people around him, if that male could make the females want something he wants, meaning if he could make 4 women wanting polygamy, would that be because they wanted it? would polygamy be really their choice? or it would be similar as locking 4 women in a basement? meaning that they never had a real chance to decide for themselves?
unioneserry is offline


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