I have heard that in Japan there is a "trend" of collective suicides. The most cases I have heard of was hanging, which always makes me wonder why this brutal and dirty method, I have heard that people who hang themselves not only suffocate and suffer, but empty their bladder and bowel, I wouldnt like to be found like that. There is a chance to break your neck if you jump off a high stool, but its not sure and its weird. another thing about hanging is I never understand how people manage to hang themselves on a door knob or a radiator. Another way I know quite popular is cutting veins, it looks from outside very hard but apparently is painless. Its however for teenagers If it was me, I would swallow pills or shoot heroin. Probably the latter, cause with the pills its the risk mentioned by jr1, you can vomit it and survive but become mental or numb or paralysed, whatever option- not only failed suicide. but even worse life afterwards. I have never taken heroin or other hard drugs so I think my body would react strongly to even small doses, when its injected not swallowed its no way out, I would just get 10 times more than my calculated lethal dose.