My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
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06-27-2011, 05:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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How far down your 'shitlist' would you say they used to be?
Fairly low down. Funnily enough they had never really done anything to me, I pride myself on shaping my own views and not being unduly influenced by others but my dislike/fear/wariness of gypsies was the result of people around me (mostly friends, my parents never really spoke badly of gypsies).
I still believe there is a communual pathology among gypsies, they are, for want of a better/politer word, sociopathic. They have a lot of empathy for and loyalty to their own clan but, possibly due to a history of conflict with settled people, they are often loath to show any mercy to non-gypsies (handbag robbing, burglary etc).
I do think it was incredibly 'savage', as the term is/was used by people a few years ago to describe something very unfair, that the venues would cancel on them at such short notice.
Personally, I'd gladly have gypsies at a venue of mine, they look like they are willing to spend a tonne.
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