In our minds yes. When we look at multiple populations spread out on some type of genetic plot why do we assume we are looking at "Race". If we are to assume we are looking at "Race" where would the race "Start" and where would it "Stop" and what is the quintessential genetic specimen of that Race? If find it interesting that because of the cultural history of America many when viewing an MDS chart of Africans "Start" the chart somewhere around the West African Yoruba as if they are the quintessential African Race. This does not make sense from a Genetic standpoint. Where does the "African" race Start?: MDS1.jpg If we do the same for Europeans who are "White" or "Caucasoid" where would that race "Start"? novembreplotao2.jpg I still think it fails because there would be too many "races" otherwise you may have someone that cluster genetically With "Asians" or "Mongoloids" but fit into a social description of people we call "Black". This social definition will almost always override that of genetics therefore screwing up the entire "race" argument.