So there can be beautiful full Euro women, but not beautiful fully African women?
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06-09-2011, 11:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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The beauty standards are different here in the west than they are in africa. What is seen as beautiful in africa may not be seen as attractive to a westerners eyes.. granted there are definitely beautiful african women out there and doctor scientia already proved that awhile back. But most americans idea of what africans look like is something like this.
I think that the ideal skin tone and coloration in america is sort of a bronzed/light brown color, thats why you see white people going to such lengths to get tanned (think jersey shore). That ideal seems to fit best with lighter skinned, and therefore more likely mixed aframs. That doesnt really jive well with the wests notion of what africans are supposed to look like (atleast in their minds). You also have to ask what is it you mean by mixed? Because technically many aframs
mixed to some extent, though over multiple generations. Thats different than someone who has a white parent and a black parent or an asian parent and a black/white parent etc.
I personally feel that mixed people, really regardless of race, tend to come out looking relatively attractive. Maybe because introducing another ethnicity in there can serve to either soften otherwise hard features or make someone with a rather plain look a bit more interesting.. does that make me racist? Idk. I really don't care.. I just know I haven't met many mixed girls who were bad looking, a good 2/3rd of them were pretty sexy. But that
mean there arent pure bloods out there who aren't attractive (take me for instance
) i think it boils down to the fact that people are just ignorant to the range of looks a race can have and basically lump all africans into the superdark nilotid type. its whatever, don't think to much of it, don't let it get you down and all that.
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