Are Germans ruder than the British?
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05-27-2011, 09:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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I've often found that merely phrasing a request differently (even where two people speak the same language) can lead to problems, I once got into a rather bitter argument with an American online after he said, "I'm going to need to have you..." (it pertained to a political discussion we were having, he wanted me to re-watch a video), I told him in less than polite terms that I wasn't his f***ing servant or some errand boy and that I wasn't happy he had spoken to me as though I were.
I later learned that, supposedly, "I'll need to have you..." is a neutral way for an American to make a request, possibly he just said that to placate me but it could be that I simply misinterpeted his tone due to the conversation being online (where you only get words, not any intonation, affect or body language).
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