Are Asian parents the best parents a kid can ask for?
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11-27-2010, 09:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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Are Asian parents the best parents a kid can ask for?
here in the US, you guys are aware of the stereotypes on how they are super strict and all that but look at it this way
Asian Americans on average make the highest salary (even more than Whites) and go to to the top colleges, Asians are 5 percent of the population yet make up large percentages at the top universities and Asians have even been dubbed the title of model minority. Pretty soon Asian people will run the world (lol bye bye White people, your women will be getting screwed by us now xD) and I want to ask this.
Do you think that Asian parents are generally the best parents a kid can have?
I mean the kid ends up at a top university, he ends up having a good career and everything.
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