I think that the panic over imigration in Europe is exaggerated in respect of genetic or ethnic landscape. I agree that some minorities, mainly muslim, have achieved unproportional lots of concession in the sphere of public life, customs, influence on the everyday life, but thats it. When you look at the numbers, Eastern Europe, from East Germany till Russia and from Estonia till Balkans, have very little non-european immigrants. The rest of Europe, mainly UK, France, Benelux and Germany I suppose, have all of them around maximum 10% of population of non-european character. Which means, 90% is still European, and out of that another 90% local. To change the genetic landscape completely, statistically every of this 1 immigrants would have to fertilate 9 women/or europeaan man immigrant woman. Not possible. Another obstacle, most minorities stick to their own people, Indians marry Indians, Turks marry Turks etc, its another obstacle. Even if half of them marry an european, it would affect only 5% of general population.