Poles and other Eastern Europeans have traditionally had a strong dislike towards Jews because they tended to be moneylenders and the middle men in business transactions. Actually every European group has a dislike for Jews. However, Jews in Western Europe were few during the modern era compared to Eastern Europe and so their hatred is much more intense and rabid. There is a deep hatred towards what is referred to as "middle men minorities", whether they are Jewish, Chinese in Malaysia, or Lebanese Christians in Africa because they're not seen as people who work for their pay. This is the common belief towards middle man minorities across the globe. Yet so little would get done if these middle men minorities didn't exist. Who likes to pay back a person, someone who is an "other" in many ways, with interest, and will take you to court if you dont' pay? No one likes to pay up or suffer legal consequences. But there are worse consequences when not having readily available money to borrow or being too ignorant to acquire needed services through your own means.