You'll get a short psychological diagnosis for free today. I think that due to your own insecurities by being Indian and serious issues with acceptance of your own person you will troll anybody who is less darker in appereance than you, making him mixed or non-white, that makes your day somehow better until you'll load another crap here. That's also quite common practice among members from another side of World to teach us Europeans who should we consider mixed, white etc. Furthermore I doubt that you honestly give a shit about any serious answer. You have Husky dog in your avatar or Alaskan , since I'm a fan of dogs I'll prevent myself from throwing some further intelectual vomits on your post. Take care
I think important thing is that Islam is not very popular in Europe nowadays, so people may get oversensitive about having this type of ancestry. However, I dont think its a reason to be ashamed. I know one spanish girl who was very proud of having some Moroccan ancestor.