Which ethnicities do you tell jokes about?
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03-24-2011, 12:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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Hahaha some of the jokes really made me laugh speccialy that one of the mexican crossed breed with black hahahaha-
Here in Mexico we make jokes about Gringos, Argentineans, Spaniards(Galicians), Black dudes, jewish and of course ourselves.
An old jewish geezer is very sick at he hospitan and unfotunately he is in his last moments on earth and all his relatives and sons are by his side.
The diying old man half concious started to wisper calling for his sons: "Oooh Moshe, are you by my side???"..yes dad im here. repied the son......"ooohhhh shlomo are you here by my side?????"...yes dad Im here aswell replied the other son......ooohhhh David, are you here by my side too???......yes dad im here with you we love you....."and your sister Martha? where is she boys???". Im here too dad all of us are here with you...replied the sister.
Suddenly the very sick dying old man seemed to recover strenght out of who knows where and shouted at them as a mad man: Damn it, if all of you are here who the fuck is taking care of our damned Store!!!!!!!.....hahahaha.
Manolo is going to take a shower and asks his wife if she bougth some shampoo. The lady answers him that the shampoo already is inside the shower room.... Manolo replies: Yes I have seen you already bought one shampoo but the label says this is for dry hair and I have already got mine wet!!!!!....hahahahaha
---------- Post added 2011-03-24 at 00:15 ----------
A gringo was told his wife was cheating on him with his best friend.... then quickly he took his "Ar15" went out and shot his dog!!!!.
A gallego went to the United States to sped his holydays... at his coming back he arrived to Spain with a big TV set... at the airport he was asked why the heck he bought a TV set and brought that from the US if there were the same TV sets on sale at galician stores...he gladly replied: "Yes there are the same TV sets here but I like best the TV shows of the US!!!!! hahahahahaha...
Two mexican Compadres met at the cantina to drink some tequila shoots.....while drinking one of them with a big chukle told his compadre: "Compadre....guess what happened to me????...My wife left me and has gone with my my best friend!!!... the other compadre surprised cause the guy was happy asked him: "Compadre why are you so happy!!! You best "friend" has taken away your wife from you??? so then that fckr isn't your best friend compadre!!!! .... The happy guy answered: believe me compadre if he has taken away my wife from me....HE IS MY BEST FRIEND!!!!....hahahahaha
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