I would need to know the specifics. Simply saying a civilian was targetd is not enough. If someone is involved, for example, as an informer, then he's not longer a civilian. You are free to bring up a case for me too look at. Yes, always. From your own link.
You can't seriously compare the two. Paisley wanted to turn it into a sectarian war when religion wasn't the motivation for the IRA. What he did was paint all Catholic Irish as the enemy. He helped define how the Ulster Scots would perceive the conflict.
Well, they wouldn't be a sceretive intelligence organization if they didn't behave secretly. It's not the first, or the last time, people will bring up their actions. It's already established that British agents, M15 or not, supplied information and weapons to Loyalist paramilitary groups.
[/COLOR]lol@want a cheeseburger bobby sands. A funny tag.