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Old 02-25-2011, 09:27 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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Call me a communist, but I never understood this American attitude to social differences and wealth. I understand that there are loads of Americans who want it to be different, at the end of the day it is why Obama was elected (not because he was black, as somethink).
According to a poll i have read (i will search the link) a huge percentage voted of Americans Obama to get out of the ME wars (he failed, also he failed with the economy).

Still though, even these millions seem to accept much bigger inequalities than Europeans. Forget them, the others, like the Tea Party supporters, they think it is cool when one man dies on the street and next to him passes over a limo with shampagne worth more than this man's life- long savings. Its cool cause it is apparently American. i dont think so, about it later.
The most ironic is that many Tea Party supporters are not millionars- friends of Dabja- which is somehow statistically obvious- but very often poor rednecks.
These people support people who robbed them and swallow all this bullshit that if you have a gun and if you shot down an illegal Metizo, you are happy American. In fact, these rednecks have much more common with those illegal immigrants than with their rich patrons. Somehow they dont wanna see it.
My opinion on that:

1) Poverty in America means having a house and a car. There are no starving people in the USA
2) The American lifestyle is a product of the capitalism and the Market economies: prices, jobs and salaries are regulated by the market
3) Exactly Tea Parties and Republicans are supported by the working force, Democrats are supported by the elite or the really lazy people on welfare.
4) Tea Parties want small government, the government was the one that robbed them twice: Bush with the bailout and Obama with the bailout.
5) In Mexico professional people works hard and nothing prices are hight and the cost of the govement is high (Socialism). In America you get what you work and that is even higher than Mexico for the blue collars.
6) As far as America goes trough the socialis the faster the sink.

There are millions of potential job to be created in America, but the problem is the obstacles imposed by the government first the Democrats then the RINOs.

I have heard by an American Worker that they lived better under the right wing Ronald Reagan government than under the Clinton, Obama or Johnson government.
I could not back this but i would like to hear the opinion of any real American in this forum on that.

Could you explain how do a socialist government could help them?

How can you compare first Americans working day and night and saving money and investing them wisely to those white collar parasites who do not work, just sit on chairs and rebalance accounts to make profits and after work go to strip-clubs, sniff cocaine washing it down with expensive drinks and shag luxury prostitutes and then go back to their billiob-worth mansions to surf hangover with another pill. Is it this old ethos or I missed something on the way?
Those parasites you mention,are not businessmen are corrupted people, are supported by the Government (Bailout), the big government the Tea Party opposes.
ScosyGissiok is offline


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