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Old 02-18-2011, 03:05 AM   #1

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Default Ashekanazi Jew's in the Carribean
I was doing some self thinking and analyzing dates and time, according to my Father we have some jewish heritage, and this of course showed up in my Relative finder, i have 2 very ashekanazi segments, atleast 10-15 Ashekanazi cousins. But there is one problem with the picture.

1. Ashekanazi's officially came to D.R in the 1930's, as well as Haiti

2. My Possible jewish ancestor had to be born way before 1930, my fathers mother was born in the 1930s, and she is not from Germany , this means it has to be FURTHER back, The jewish is on her fathers side, which is my great grandfather, but he also was not from Germany, now there is a mystery as to whether his Mother was of Ashkenazim Jewish descent, because his father wasn't, his surname is a common Spanish surname. So it had to be from the mother, and this would put the persons birthday to be atleast Late 1800s.

3. The only jews that came anywhere near D.R in the 1800s where the Egyptian,Lebanese,Syrian jew's who came to Haiti in the mid 1800s. This is a possible connection, however i am not sure if These non-eastern european jew's would be the cause of my Ashekanazi matches, probably not.

4. THe only other option is that perhaps, a German accordion seller decided to stay in D.R for more then just Tobacco, and intermarried into my family, and that German could have been jewish ,German's where known to trade in the carribean in the 1800s, but there isn't mentions of any of them staying, rather just trading their accordions and goods for other things.

5. As a sidenote in 23andme most of my Ashekanazi matches are distant cousins, there is one CLUE, i am 5th cousins with a guy who is a mix of North-American Native + Mexican + Peruvian. How he relates to this post is that he shares with me on my biggest Ashekanazi jewish segment, so we are related throguh the same Ashekanazi ancestor. But he is the closest at 5th cousin, which means that these Ashekanzi's must have arrived both to D.R/Haiti + Peru or Mexico, most likely Mexico which is logically closer, and also has a history of german contact, they also got accordions from the germans.
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