In France, many white men aren't attracted by white girls, and prefer black girls . It's not taboo, it's the same for white girls here, many of them are liks crazy about black guys. A big numbers of peoples I know want mixed kids. I thinks 25% of white men here prefer black girls to white girls. And 40% of white girls , prefer black men. I think , it would be the same number in UK . In France, peoples are not hypocrite and say the the truth of they thinks . I know in countries like spain , italy and portugal, mostly in italy, the men adore black women , but always said they prefer their white sisters. Personnaly i don't consider southern european espacielly southern italians, portuguese and spanish white. And most of french peoples don't consider them white . Nevermind. For conclure. I saw many ugly black girls, and I saw many ugly white girls, and I saw many ugly asian girls. They are attractive women everywhere, and ugly women everywhere too. For white girls : the ones i find attractive, are from Northern Europe : Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Scotland , Wales. and Central Europe : France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherland, Northern Italy. Russian girls , baltic girls are ugly. Italians , spanish and portuguses girls are pretty, but for me their not full white For Blacks girls : Congolese, Camerounaise and Gabonese are pretty, the others I don't looks them.