Is my mom or her bf racist?
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12-16-2010, 02:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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Is my mom or her bf racist?
My mom doesn't like highly Mexican populated places. She thinks they should be better immigrants. She considered herself white. She's white just not the European type. She's Pashtun and Punjabi. Anyway, society treats her as white. She's dated a skinhead before. She does not like Jews even she looks Jewish and probably has semetic ancestry most middle eastern people do. My dad's not white. He's from India and not the typical Indian. He's half siddis which is an Indian but of a minority race. So I got his skin tone and my mom's features and their hair so I look half black. I'm biracial. She's never been upset that I am not white looking like her. My mom's bf is ok with me looking half black but I sometimes think they think that I'm Indian/white looking even though society doesn't. He has a daughter who's a quarter Cherokee. He's said things about Mexicans. He's white English American btw. She likes her Asian ancestry (part Hazara) and her own people too. So what does this make her racist or not? She doesn't say anything about black people. We don't really act like they exist. I consider myself black as well as Indian American because my dad is Indian American. Most of them don't live in our neighborhood. But is my mom or her bf racist or just got a preference?
I mean she doesn't have a problem with black people obviously and can't Mexicans be of any race? So is she or her bf racist or something else? What do you consider racist?
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