Does it happens to you also? Not that I'm lonely or anything, I have my share of friends who likes me whatever I say, but whenever I go to university or study circles, I seem to end up in a group with 3/4 leftists/liberals and I have a habit to bring up politics and throw up my conservative views from day one. I get angry and can tell my opponent that he talks bullshit and that he's a commie, while he's just a boring modern pc liberal. Here are views that use to clash me with most people my age at university: -I'm christian, and think christian values is the foundation of western society -I critize islam, and say christianity is a more democratic religion -I prefer our current swedish right-party government instead of the social democrats. -I don't want homosexuals to get married or adopt children -I don't think USA is evil devils who steal other countries oil. -I think it was splendid that our pm record-lowered the taxes for people who work and not lie on their back. Sometimes I feel I would be better placed in some hillbillie part of Texas, but I don't like them either, oh no. I don't care if people I don't know think I'm a fascist pig or anything, I always stand up for my views, even if I'm alone in a room of 20 who have opposite views. I felt like a lone rider Many here on anthroboards are racists (which I am not), anti-islam or have other controversial opinions, are you open with them?