I think race is one of the main reasons why people go outside their tribes for a mate. Black men chasing White women and Asian women chasing White men, are two common examples. I agree that the basic is to keep your race. Many people do agree with that. The point of this type of "racial self interest" by keeping it within your race, is to stick to your place on the race ladder. At no point however does this school encourage going DOWN the race ladder. Like, if you're Asian your parents probably want you to marry an Asian. That is a common belief within Asian communities. Those Asian parents would NEVER approve of their kid marrying an Indian or a Black though. And lets be honest, even if they're strict on keeping it within their race, a White would be more accepted than a Black. The reason why you would look to please a partner that is above you on the racial ladder is that you win out on climbing the ladder. You will not only have the White partner as your prize, but you will also be able to have White kids, thereby improving your race forever. Not only is pleasing a kind of payment, but it's also the morally right thing to do. As a non-white, I find pleasing White people extremely difficult. So I'm trying to ask: What do White men and women want from a non-white partner? What do non-whites do to please their White (or racially superior) partners?