Question for Indian Users about Race?
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12-05-2010, 07:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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are an amalgamation of various ethno-linguistic groups, religious sects and races. It has been one of the world' melting pots since ancient times, which is why there is so much cultural and racial diversity.
is merely a nationality and not an ethnicity.
is merely the term given to this political entity, where those thousands of castes and tribes reside, and are subject to it's administration.
The fact that secessionist tendencies exist in almost every part of India to a certain extent, with active secessionist movements in the
extreme parts of India is a reflection of it's diversity and to an extent, the disunity that is plaguing it's people.
Thus, the people who fall under the geographic borders of India may be considered
The open and inquisitive mind would however, find it more accurate to recognize these inhabitants of the sub-continent by their specific ethnic groups and linguistic/cultural affinities, than by the broad term -
So yes,
includes everyone, from the brunette white skinned Kashmiris, the yellow-ruddy brown North-East Indians and the pitch/dead black skinned Andamanese.
Do I consider a European mixed Indian to be of Indian origin? Yes. Do I consider African and Caribbean mixed Indians to be of Indian origin? Yes.
In light of that, I would consider Gypsies and yourself of predominantly Indian ancestry and origin, but not Indian by nationality or culture.
The cultural affinities of Gypsies is much too distinct, mainly owing to isolation which in turn would lead to distinct (cultural) development, and may not be deemed either or European or Indian.
Do I consider you
racially Indian
? No, just as I consider no Indian as
racially Indian
since there is no such thing as a distinct
Indian race
Indians are as physically and genetically diverse, as they are culturally, linguistically or theologically.
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