I would assume that they are both qualified of course. I am not talking about promoting a White retard over a Black rocket scientist, I think that's obvious. Sure, I would probably reward a non-white that did exceptionally well, but I would not promote him to have a position above White people. This has nothing to do with skin tone, but with fundamental racial differences that reflect in one's values.
Take fairness as an example. I think that fairness is a White value. Among White people not being fair is considered disreputable. This is why White people will give Blacks and Asians an equal chance. Non-whites will consider it outright stupid not to take all the advantages they can get. That's why you will never see Blacks or Asians giving anybody any chances at all.
Unfortunately, I can agree that a lot of White people that hold superior positions have adopted a non-white/Jewish way - what you call "abusing their power". White business has originally not been run that way.
Why does it look wrong? Because White people are simply more valuable than non-whites. Not only are they more rare, but also finer as a race. It's like comparing a common digital watch with a rare mechanical watch. Sure the digital one may keep better time and be more sturdy, but the mechanical watch is too fine and exclusive to miss out on. And why would I personally not promote Whites over non-whites? It's very hypocritical to complain over Whites being preferred when you would do the very same with your own race if it was objectively more valuable and rare.[COLOR="Silver"]