There seems to be a contradiction here. You are saying that Whites are fair and would give Blacks and Asians an equal chance, yet you being White are not being fair by not giving them an equal chance. So either - You are not White or - White people are not fair
Fairness isn't a white value. Fairness is anybody value. I do not know how blacks or asians or non-whites you've met but the part i bolded is actually a generalization. I've seen and heard of non-whites giving people an equal chance before and it's not just people of their own race. Heck i actually know someone who did exactly that. One of my friend literally gave up her scholarship to someone who desperately needed it more than she did. You know you are contradicting yourself here right?
Hold up. Aren't Jews white?
Okay the part about whites being a rare race makes absolutely no sense to me but like you said the concept might just be a racial difference hence the reason I'm not grasping it. BTW. No i wouldn't do the same to my own race. If i see someone of my own race doing or thinking the same you are. I would question them the same way I'm questioning you. Personally i see something wrong with this type of thinking especially in this day of age where inequality is something society is trying to diminish.