He was complaing about hypocrisy. You can't have rules and then dump them because you like someone. If you're not going to allow a Puerto Rican or half gypsy guy then you can't have a half Black chick. The only reason she was allowed to post is because the admin. is a horny bastard who likes to talk to these internet chicks in private; that's the reason.
Fair enough, and I wasn't really complaining, I don't know much about the forum but I had heard that they only allow certain members on based on ethnicity and I read the thread in question, that's about it, perhaps speaking out of turn-but I was talking about the past. And I didn't mean any disrespect to Raya, I hadn't remembered that it was her, just that a mixed girl was on there somewhere and the stuff that ensued. Anyway, I understand the amount of free for all racism here, but that is offset by the diverse opinions, also, my main reason for going after the apricity is the diversity in the opinion but the (what I had thought) restrictive membership. Stormfront and other White Nationalist forums don't usually have diverse members (from all ends of the spectrum, not just the right-and opposing views doesn't count as it's an annex of the forum rather than being inbuilt)