Thread: Music and race.
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Old 11-07-2010, 09:38 AM   #9

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I don't think you can really call music rubbish nonsense.

Music is just noise, in essence. Some noise sorted over compositions and arrangement creating secondary things which trip our mind into oblivion.

There are certain stereotypes regarding music, but I think most countries (at least in the west) have similar subcultures with certain variations more dependant in social class rather than race.

Here for example, Cumbias Villeras are mostly related to Villa mestizos by people. Rock, however, is seen as more lower class white music, despite not all who listen to Cumbias are low class Mestizos and not all those who listen to rock are low class whites.

It's often said "Rap" is black music but is it really? I remember seeing stats and polls revealing that 60% of people who consumed rap in the United States were white.

Electronic music is associated mostly with Northern European whites but there are many good Israeli electronic artist and I know some good ones done by Mestizos like Hocico.
Well that's just in my humble opinion, I really think that for a song to become music it has to have melody and variety of tones, for me Rap is someone talking fast and a bad influence for society in most cases in that type of songs. But I guess everyones has his/her standards of music.
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