Thread: Music and race.
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Old 11-07-2010, 09:50 AM   #12

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You think so?
Well you see now thats acceptable to me because of its melody all through the end, and it's not like mainstream rap which pretty much has become worser every time.

---------- Post added 2010-11-06 at 22:53 ----------

I listen to alternative rock, Chinese (Mandarin)/Japanese pop (mostly R&B type stuff), R&B, German pop, some Russian music (pop rock), jazz, classical once in awhile (Tchaikovsky mostly), and rap (but as I get older, less rap music)...oh yeah folk music (like Damien Rice). My favorite type of music is probably "good" rap and music like Tool/A Perfect Circle...

Music taste typically depends on what you are exposed to when you are's really pretty simple. Some people diverge as they get older. No one played classical in my house, but my mother played classic rock (Beatles, Doors, Muddy Waters, Who, etc) which I still listen to.
I think you're right, it depends on the environment you where exposed. My dad is the classical music/ celtic folk type of person he listens from Radiohead, Maddona typish, Techno all the way to the oddest celtic songs he can find online.
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