Being A Visible Minority in Russia
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11-03-2010, 02:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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Being A Visible Minority in Russia
This especially focuses on blacks.
Part I
Part II
Please comment on the wild speculation from those who have never lived in Russia. Thanks.
Most is most interesting was the attitude under Communism as promoted by the state.
I read a book about a black American who moved to Russia as a student before WWII and spent the next 30+ years trying to escape back to America. He studied mechanical engineering in Moscow.
When he left he said the racism he experienced in Russia was less than he experienced in the South of America, but he said it changed, it got worse as time went on (I guess after Stalin's propaganda and his usefulness to it ended). He then said that when he came back to America in the 1970's America had changed so much he did not recognize it.
His autobiography is called:
Black on Red: My 44 Years Inside the Soviet Union, by Robert Robinson
He described Russian racial attitudes at the time in great detail over a long period, quite an interesting book.
After watching this, I ask myself "Why"?
Blacks in Russia are not known for causing a lot of problems, most crime by foreigners is committed by Asians and Caucasus people. To me it seems quite barbaric that people can't walk the streets or take the train, even in the daytime...that's insane. That is worse than America was during Jim Crow in 1920 or 1940...the average black man could definitely walk down the street in the South and likely not be attacked UNLESS he broke a "rule" like stared at a white woman, refused to step off the side walk for a white woman, entered a establishment for "whites" through the front door, used the "white water fountains" as backward and ignorant as that may sound. In 2010, you have blacks in Russia who can't even go off a college campus. :-O
I went to Russia the first (and only) time in 1996. I went with my ex-girlfriend to Moscow. People stared (sometimes hard and nasty) but no one ever was threatening. I never felt in danger, that I can remember.
So this situation,from reading the book above, to watching the videos, seems to have studly gotten worse.
1) Is this observation accurate
2) If so, why?
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