This is not about POland or Czech Republic. It is about Russia. Unless you think all nations in Eastern Europe have identical culture and situations, I think we should stay on topic. Do you think the average black student attacks women on buses in Russia? Really? If one out of 10,000 black students behaves this way. is this reason to beat up a random black man on the street who is not doing anything at all? If I feel frustrated with my job today, is it quite natural I should go out to find some El Salvadorian and beat him senseless to make me feel better? That is justified? Quite natural in what barbaric land? I've never heard anyone make a statement like that in any Western nation, maybe that mentality is the source of the problem. Quite natural? For what? An animal? Maybe I feel some white American is racist, maybe I should go to Maryland where I know Russians hang out in Ocean City and smack some girl around because she is "white"? Is that justified to you?