Dominicans VS Cabo Verdeans
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09-13-2010, 06:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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^this party is probably for brava or fogo people, people from those islands are known to be more lightskin than the average capeverdian.
Anyways, this discussion keeps coming back. I think both brazilian and dominican mulatto types usually resemble capeverdian ones. It's the darkskinned types that usually differ the most between these 3 countries.
As dominican mulatto types are a bigger part of the national population compared with brazil, i'd say overall DR comes closest to mirroring capeverdian looks. Also regarding african imputs, i'd say the dominican ones more closely resemble capeverdians ones. Especially in early colonization phase of DR a majority of slaves brought there actually passed through or was shipped from CV! This is not the case for brazil where most african input is from either western central africa (angola/congo) or gulf of guinea (nigeria/benin). Only northern brazil has significant african input from upperguinea/senegambia (which is the almost exclusive african input for capeverdeans).
There's the additional amerindian element in dominicans of course, but pseudo mongoloid features also appear in capeverdeans every now and then. So there's some overlap for that part as well, Although i do think the amerindian element does cause dominican phenotypical variety to be greater than cape verdean one. Also proportionally DR and CV populations are not the same. Lightskinned /white dominicans being a far bigger part of population than lightskinned/white capeverdeans.
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