The Brazilians in MA are not the mulattoes brazilians we are talking about. I've worked with Portuguese speaking community in this area for many years and the brazilians are mostly "white" brazilians. The DR's however in NE are of the mulattoes type, take a drive to Providence RI(southside) where there is a high concentration of them you will see DR's that for the most part look like this : This would not even be discussed if there was not a highly noticeable overlap in phenotype btwn CV and DRs. It a known fact that when someone asks in the states what do CV's look like the first description that is give is "they look dominican". These are the typical CV looking girls and if someone told you they were DR no one bat an eye. The only difference is that DR girls straighten there religiously which makes them look less African, while CV girls keep theirs curly.