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Old 10-19-2010, 12:26 PM   #21

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Oct 2005
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Oh, so you speak engrish? Very impressive--like wearing sunglasses at night and getting your hair permed like the faaaagot you are! Little puffter!

Listen Lack Hung Dong, us Romanians learn to speak without accents when we learn new languages, we don't dress like Chinese who are stuck in the 80's and we have nice caucasian hair which is easily styled unlike your nest of spiked wire you call "fashionable"

Even those of us WITH accents actually turn on some women with it instead of making them laugh their asses off with your goofy-sounding, primitive language that you haven't even developed a proper alphabet for.

Your own women prefer Romanian real cock compared to your effeminate, huge-headed, sawed-off stubby little runts that pass for men in your part of the world.

How do you Chinese look at immigration? Hmmm, your butthurt at my displeasure at being overrun by asians here in Vancouver is what started your attack against MY nation of birth, but then I hear that the world is going to have to deal with an entire generation of angry little dudes like you that are only children and so fiercely nationalistic that you WILL get stupid and get yourselves checked! No biggie, y'all can't fight to save your life!

Why don't you go re-invent the fork because the world is not going to be impressed by stuffed animals, and sub-par tech much longer.

Remember, my 30 million peoples have innovated more than your nation of 1.3 billion!

your insults would carry much more weight if they came from a german, an englishman, a frenchman, or even a russian. but alas, you are a romanian. since you like to judge ethnicities on the basis of historical achievement...what has romania accomplished in the last 2000 years? nothing. in fact the phrase "romanian achievement" itself is an oxymoron. asides from impaling a few turks, your country has managed to get itself overran by almost every people that have ever inhabited the continent of eurasia. your country has conquered no one...your country has invented nothing. every accomplishment you claim, have little to do with romania. this is why you resort to white pride, because you cannot boast of anything that romania has done. forget about comparing your country to china. even comparing romania to south korea, or even taiwan would be an insult to them.

you are deluded...and your posts reek of your inferiority...loud and true.

never have i seen anyone so obsessed w/ asians that he must include them in every post. you have written about every asian stereotype that has ever existed and even made up a few more. guess what, this is the real fucking world, not some 19th century fantasyland. times have changed. asians live more on just half bowl of rice a day. asian countries having roaring, prosperous economies whose growth rates are unparalleled. and wherever east asians have immigrated to, their sons and daughters have become the bright and brightest in their country. we are in the highest income brackets, we send our kids to the best universities, and we live in the best houses. can romanians boast this? no.

yes, what you say about asian women going after white men is true. unfortunately asian women are not going after you, or your kind...the funny looking eastern european with the strange accent. don't kid yourself. no east asian girl would touch girl would go near you...a clown who spends his days typing away angry white power messages on internet forums. your only hope is going back to some romanian village and show her your canadian passport in the hopes of getting her to come with you.
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